Message of The Day

You are the perfected model. You are the beings with the wisdom, and the courage and stubborn determination, fortitude, and the lightness of hope, of joy, of trust, to step forward, yes, in what is a massive undertaking. It is a rebirthing of humanity. El...

Message of The Day

Your guides are the gift of the Divine Mother. It is her gift of love so that you know that you do not travel alone, that you are helped at every twist and turn. There is no one who does not have a retinue of guides. Their only purpose is to love you, to help you...

Message of The Day

I ask you to remember the oath you took, the promise you made before you returned to Earth. And that was to be the vessel of change, yes, of integrity, of truth, of love, of healing, each in your own beautiful, unique way. Archangel Michael

Message of The Day

So my answer to you, my beloveds… to all of you… we re-extend, we re-invite, we plead with you: Dream big! Make the choice to dream big because then your actions, your beaming, your heart, your love, your compassion, your grace will be beyond compare!...

Message of The Day

Feel your Pink Flame because this is the essence, regardless of what ray you travel on, this is the essence of your sweet self. And let’s turn up that beautiful Pink Flame. Let’s turn it up so it’s literally coming up from your heart, through your high heart, your...