by Elizabeth Farrington
People will say, “I do not understand Unity Consciousness.” Think of it as harmony, with all the Blessings and Virtues built in. Archangel Gabrielle
by Elizabeth Farrington
And we know, each one of you knows, that the key to struggle and letting go of struggle is just that: it is a choice to let it go. It is so simple and yet so straightforward that for many it seems too simple to be true. And that is where you come in, my friends. It is...
by Elizabeth Farrington
“In this I say to you, my beloveds, my friends, my allies, my keepers of Universal Law: “I implore you, I invite you: Apply the laws. Let me guide your hand and your heart, your mind and your being. Let us transmute and transform this planet instantaneously. Let...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Universal Law is a code of behavior. But it is also the expression of behavior of heart, of heart listening, heart speaking, heart engagement. It is how communities, communities of all, and communities of one come together to operate… to work, to play, to pray, to...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Now, keep your crown wide open because what St. Germaine is doing is he is literally dropping…as if it’s a teardrop, or a drop of water, or a drop of dew…he is dropping his Violet Flame down through your crown into your Pink Flame, into your Pink Diamond self. Open...