Message of The Day

For years we have talked to you, my beloved ones, about Cities of Light, beginning when we had talked about Wingmakers in 2000 and we brought you to those Cities of Light again and again and again and you have begun the anchoring. And let us reassure you that not only...

Message of The Day

I have asked you, and I will ask you again, and again, and again to make a ritual, a practice, a playtime of writing LOVE and PEACE with my Violet Flame, with your Violet Flame, in the air, on the ground, on the hearts of others so that when people walk they absorb...

Message of The Day

The stories will be told about the time when humans came together to reclaim freedom and free will and true liberty – and alignment not merely with the Divine, not merely with love, but with themselves! Archangel Michael

Message of The Day

I come as gently as I possibly can because my desire, my yearning, is not to overwhelm you, not to steamroll you but to embrace you, to reassure you of your balance. Welcome to my temple, welcome to my temple of ascension, welcome to my home, welcome to the blend, the...

Message of The Day

I have called you to the 13th Octave. My blessing to you this night is the gift of Love. Focus within your heart, for this is where we live with you. And focus upon that which you most dearly desire – a single thing – and we will magnify it together. And you...