by Elizabeth Farrington
So often we have said, and the Council of Love has said that “inside the sound is the light, and inside the light is the sound.” It is the beginning. And if you can even think that there is an end point – because there isn’t, but think of it in practicality –...
by Elizabeth Farrington
I have taught you the healing and each of you know this in your own way, but I have taught you because there will be masses seeking you out. They may not even know, but you will know. And if you are feeling the need for a little assistance to reset, then simply turn...
by Elizabeth Farrington
So, SK, Raj, and Einstein are reminding us, in a really peculiar way, that we are on a peculiar journey, we’re on a trajectory whereby we shift dimensional reality staying exactly where we are. Hard to get your head around. You can’t help but love it. Linda...
by Elizabeth Farrington
This is not only a time of rebirth, of reconstitution. It is also a time of revelation – revelation of the nature of Gaia, of Earth as an intergalactic waystation, an angelic waystation, a planetary earthkeeper waystation… Beautiful, in all its diversity!...
by Elizabeth Farrington
But do you know, sweet angels of light in human form, do you know how many gifts you bring us? Do you know how many times when you look up and you see us moving, flying, signaling to you, and you say, ‘hello, welcome, where are you, I love you’? That is a gift, and it...