Message of The Day

The time of believing small, because that is all it is, is over! And you say unto me, “Source, but I am only a speck of dust, of stardust, in an infinite Universe.” An essential, loved, honored, cherished being, it is too easy to dismiss yourself as a speck of dust,...

Message of The Day

I have expanded you with my Silver Flame of Illumination to light your way.  But who does not appreciate a little starlight? You all who have come from the stars. This is not a collapse of time. This is a different measurement, a different wave, a different place in...

Message of The Day

Power is simply your indwelling spirit. It is simply the truth of who you are and the acceptance of that truth.  It is about the quiet, subtle acceptance of your being and the quiet, subtle advancing into the collective, both energetically and literally, so that you...

Message of The Day

Let your Beacon of Light beam kindness because when you are truly in the gentleness of love, there is no blame or shame, and there is no abuse or violence. There is simply an understanding that we are all One. That cannot be negated or relinquished. You – we – are all...