Message of The Day

Many of you have traveled with me. You have wielded your swords to cut away illusion, to destroy what is not of truth, that the light may reign and that it may touch—gently, deeply, profoundly, pervasively—the heart of every being in the world. There is no one upon...

Message of The Day

This is not only a time of rebirth, of reconstitution. It is also a time of revelation – revelation of the nature of Gaia, of Earth as an intergalactic waystation, an angelic waystation, a planetary earthkeeper waystation… Beautiful, in all its diversity!...

Message of the Day

What does the ascended world look like? You begin to perceive in a much broader way. There is a sense of calmness and including all these divine qualities we have spoken of at length, so you may feel there is deeper surrender or broader forgiveness or greater joy,...

Message of The Day

My beloved, you are one with us. So, when you see this coming year what feels or may appear as instability of the fall of certain systems, or belief systems, cadres of control, step back, observe, allow, and then be the rescue team of love. Then step forward, see the...