by Elizabeth Farrington
We often say you are the brave ones; you are the ones, you are the Mother’s boots on the ground, and that is completely true…….you are the unfoldment, and you already are taking place. St. Germaine
by Elizabeth Farrington
You did not incarnate during this time of awakening and action, ascension in the fullest meaning of that word to be martyred, to suffer. That is the paradigm, you are literally smashing to smithereens. You have delicately and indelicately said ‘no’, to which we praise...
by Elizabeth Farrington
You are Nova Beings, you are ancient angels, you are ancient hybrids gathered from the far reaches of the Mother’s realm, gathered here on beautiful Gaia. Yes, as the implementers of our Mother’s Plan, but also as the anchors of love, the builders of Earth, the...
by Elizabeth Farrington
I have said to you, you are the strongest of the strong. You are the wayshowers – each in your own unique and beautiful way. Each in the fulfillment of your dream, within and folded into the Mother’s dream, as her dream is folded into yours. There is no separation,...
by Elizabeth Farrington
I have asked you, and I will ask you again, and again, and again to make a ritual, a practice, a playtime of writing LOVE and PEACE with my Violet Flame, with your Violet Flame, in the air, on the ground, on the hearts of others so that when people walk they absorb...