Message of The Day

So my message to you this day is do not let your hope die, do not let your light die, hold it. And when it is a fallow time, when it is a time a time of regeneration, when you have need to go into your cocoon, do so and nurture the light that it will burn brightly yet...

Message of The Day

Now, towards the center of your heart I want you to see that pinprick of white light, that portal, that wonderful portal and although it’s tiny, you know it is the portal you can fly through as your true angelic self, as your fairy self, as your butterfly self, into...

Message of The Day

Scan the wide variety of what lies ahead, what lies before you, and then, beloved, choose what makes your heart sing… not a quiet hum; yes, that is nice, that is pleasant… but go for what makes your heart thunder like a full-blown band! St....

Message of The Day

You are listening to the sound of the angels, the archangels, the rhythm of Gaia and the sound of the Universe. You are hearing the hum of your soul, and the hum of your brothers and sisters of the stars. You are declaring your freedom! And we are supporting you....

Message of The Day

Feel yourself as if you are this incredible beam of light in the heart of Mother/Father/One and in the heart of Mother Earth. Feel your heart, your beautiful seat of the soul, your beautiful emerald center receiving… receiving from above, from the One… and...