by Elizabeth Farrington
Be true to yourself; dig deeper into what you truly desire. What I am asking of you this day and every day is to have extraordinary courage; have the courage to truly, not only to explore your dreams, your desires of what you choose to bring forth, have the courage to...
by Elizabeth Farrington
So, in this time of rebirth, in this time of reset, in this time of new beginnings, let the truth, and the reset, and the embrace of what it means to be father, to be anchored in the collective, to be anchored in your heart, and then, come and walk with me and let us...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Join with me, go into your heart…deeper and deeper into your tri-flame, into the seat of your soul… Linda Dillon Meditation
by Elizabeth Farrington
Beloveds, if you have genuinely fully erased, eradicated these traits, this aggression, then what I am asking of you is monumental so I do not say this in a casual way: “I am asking you to send the love to embrace and heal that aggression in the collective.” El...
by Elizabeth Farrington
You are the handmaidens of manifestation; you are the bringers of the new; you are the imagination of God in form, on planet. Can you imagine? Hear what I say to thee! Archangel Gabrielle