Message of The Day
Each of you are already experiencing… some unconsciously, but not quite… you are experiencing what this channel and the Council has called interdimensional slippage. You go into a room and you find yourself somewhere else. You think it is faulty memory, but perhaps my...Message of The Day
We are experts. We are notorious experts! Mi-ka-el and Raphael, St. Germaine and his Violet Flame, Uriel and his Silver Flame… let us inspire you! Archangel GabrielleMessage of The Day
Do not underestimate what you are doing. You are holders of the vision; you are holders of the love; you are the pathfinders; you are the wayshowers. And from my perspective, you are the fulfillment of the dream. I may have been the announcement, but you, you are the...Message of The Day
Let us proceed together in this creation of the new… which is the original Plan. Let us celebrate together as we go forth in the union of heart, mind, soul, and being, in the union of time, space, and Plan. Let us proceed, for I am as much and as clearly with you as...Subscribe to our weekly emails
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