by Elizabeth Farrington
Our entreaty to each of you as teachers, as healers, as wayshowers, as pathfinders, as guardians, as gatekeepers, as pillars, is that you are the role models. You are setting the new paradigm of true communication upon this planet – and of course it is communication...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Universal Law did not go by the wayside. It is the new normal. It is the realm of existence to which you ascend. It is our code of conduct. So, I invite you, again, to join me, to join all of us, in this restoration. Sanat Kumara
by Elizabeth Farrington
While the focus has been so much on landings and populating the planet, our ships will also be used as vehicles to assist many in travelling to the various places they yearn to visit. Once they understand and know – oh, my goodness! Such places as the Pleiadian...
by Elizabeth Farrington
I give you the pearl because it has many layers and the more you do, the more you forgive, the deeper you go into the mercy of what is right and just and balanced, the more lustrous, the more beautiful the pearl becomes. It is not a clear gem, it does not sparkle with...
by Elizabeth Farrington
You are amongst the most determined angels and beings throughout the Multiverse. That is why you are here. And you will not settle, you will not compromise for half-light, half-dark. That time is over. The time of division and of divisiveness comes to a close, to...