by Elizabeth Farrington
It is time for the new! You are far, far more powerful than you even dream. So, declare your dream and dream big! Gaia
by Elizabeth Farrington
My promise to thee was, is, and always will be: If you can conceive it and it is of love, if it is in harmony and if it is of joy, then you can do it and I will help. Mary Universal Mother
by Elizabeth Farrington
Yes, I come to speak to you this day about “forgiving” – not forgiveness but forgiving as an action and as a state of being. For as you advance and expand into the wonderful wholeness of your mighty self, your capacity to stay in the heart of forgiving is infinite....
by Elizabeth Farrington
My role and your role, beloveds, in this unfoldment is to take the next step into Unity Consciousness. It is a ferociously courageous step and action to take! Archangel Jophiel
by Elizabeth Farrington
The human race, the Gaians, are the Creator Race. It is yet but another term that you are known by and that is particularly of truth at this time in the evolution and the quantum shift of humanity. Now, when I say this, I do not say that part of those upon the planet...