by Elizabeth Farrington
But you are our boots on the ground because you are our hearts on the ground. You are the ascended beings, whether you realize it or not. Grener of Ashira of Neptune.
by Elizabeth Farrington
We are eager to reconnect in form, on planet, and share not only our technology and our wisdom but our hearts. Galea of Our Star Family
by Elizabeth Farrington
……we want you unshackled in fabulous ways, in magnificent ways, in ways that are authentic and true first to yourself… sweet angels, you have an expression, “Are you bringing your ‘A’ game to your life? Yeshua
by Elizabeth Farrington
I come to you as the Warrior of Peace, of Love, to say, “Let us help. And let the old go because it is dead and gone. It is time to bury it. And it is time to ascend as One, not off Earth, but upon Terra Gaia in harmony, in unity, and in play.” Archangel...
by Elizabeth Farrington
What it means to be a Nova Being is that you have shifted from the will to dominate, from the will to control, to the will to do good, and this addiction to domination and control comes to an end. El Morya