Message of The Day
It is time to dream. I invite you to come and dream the silver dreams, to braid and weave the threads of silver with your halion and blue, your coral and gold, your magenta and red. Not a one of you is a replica and you are magnificent! Archangel UrielMessage of The Day
I come this day, my beloved friends, to give you my scepter, my flame of truth. It lights your way, declares your divine authority, and it is a symbol of your sovereignty… El MoryaMessage of The Day
An aspect of compassion is the deep profound honoring of another’s journey, of the path that they choose, of the incredible qualities unique to that person that they bring forth, whether they are earth-keeper, or gatekeeper, angelic, star-being… it matters not… you...Message of The Day
So I come to heal you with my Emerald Elixir, to fill your heart, your head, your body, your field with my Emerald Elixir. It is the elixir of love, it is the essence of love, and it is the essence of my being. Archangel RaphaelSubscribe to our weekly emails
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