by Elizabeth Farrington
The humans, this beautiful collective of angels in form, are realizing that they are not alone, that they do not ‘reign over’ anything, and that they are and have been intended to be in harmony with all that is sacred, all that has been created upon this Earth, and...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Do not forget: time is a construct that we have created and that you have adopted for your existence in the 3rd dimension but, understand, we are not inviting you to stay there in the 3rd! Archangel Gabrielle
by Elizabeth Farrington
Far too often, I have been seen, perceived, as a thundering god, a dictator from on high. Obviously, that is not of Truth, and it most certainly has never been of Love Yahweh
by Elizabeth Farrington
We want you to walk outside, to embrace your neighbor. And it is your neighbor across the planet, it is your star brothers and sisters, and it is those that so often are disdained. That is the challenge! Our plan truly is for people to awaken. You see it every day....
by Elizabeth Farrington
My role and your role, beloveds, in this unfoldment is to take the next step into Unity Consciousness. It is a ferociously courageous step and action to take! Archangel Jophiel