by Elizabeth Farrington
This is a spiritual journey. You have access to the riches of the planet equally, equal access. But it is not about a material journey, it is about a spiritual journey, it is about being an angel in form or a master in form…not ‘in the making’ any longer, but in form....
by Elizabeth Farrington
You are the bringers of the new, you are the bringers of peace, you are the bringers of harmony, you are the bringers of love. You have always been this. Now you look in the mirror and you expand and you accept on the deepest level what you are truly capable of....
by Elizabeth Farrington
But in all of this I invite you to go outside. Go to the lonely places, the quiet places, and let your soul soar, let it soar to the sky and rest on the grass, let it be filled with amazement when you see the tiniest bird fly. St. Catherine.
by Elizabeth Farrington
When we speak of public awakening, we are also talking about the awakening to the yearning, to the presence, to the actions, to the beliefs in LOVE. Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
I open the doorway, I invite you, I guide you to enter through this portal, this doorway and to leave what is old and what is truly non-existent behind. Many times I have spoken to thee about what is non-existent, about what is illusion, and what does not have...