Message of The Day

And when I say ‘family’, I also mean the Sacred Union that has been lost or certainly mislaid between the plants and animals, the forests and the oceans, the water and the humans.  We are One. We have always, always been One. Lao Tzu

Message of The Day

So, let us journey together in the magenta wind, as we travel on our spirit horses across this beautiful universe. Come with me, I will take care of you, and I will show you the truth of who you are. Lord Maitreya

Message of The Day

And so my plea to you: Will you join us? Will you join us in Unity? Will you honour not only the physical life of another human/hybrid, will you honour the trees and the plants, the mountains, the streams? Will you honour the four-leggeds, the winged ones, and yes,...

Message of The Day

We yearn not only to be in unity with thee but for you to know the joy, the peace, the splendor of being in Sacred Union, of being the Love, because this is the fiber, this is the construct of who you really are. Archangel Jophiel

Message of The Day

There is so much that lies ahead in this last quadrant in your year of becoming. You do not do this alone; all the forces are with you… they always have been. I am with you. Turn to me, turn to me as I turn to you with great faith, enormous trust, and the deepest...