by Elizabeth Farrington
Each being, each energy field, a terrifying vision of beauty, of power, of gentleness, of sweetness. This is where we bring you back to! You are unique. You do not need, you have never needed, to create a sense of importance. You have never needed to perform in order...
by Elizabeth Farrington
But what we do gift to you this day is to fortify your stamina, to fortify your hope, to fortify your trust, to fortify your light as you continue on… never in judgement, never in punishment, never in retribution… but in the holding of the light of a brand new day, of...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Yes, we send you energy every day and it is still the gentle pink, to ease your hearts, not merely into Love but into surrender. Not surrender to anybody but to your own sacred divinity. Grener of Ashira of Neptune
by Elizabeth Farrington
You are called to be the healers of humanity. You are forging that different pathway and with that comes great responsibility. But it is important that the responsibility be the actions both subtly, energetically, spiritually and physically of your heart. St....
by Elizabeth Farrington
The time of Ascension is at hand and my Flame will lead you directly to the portal. It will allow you to see into other people’s hearts, not invading but bringing clarity, illumination and Love, to show you who they really are, but also to show them. Archangel...