by Elizabeth Farrington
Because I’ve landed on a planet that is in midst of chaos that seems to be, and is by the way, getting worse as it all boils to the surface. How am I supposed to proceed?” And many of you get sick of what this council says, ‘Just go to the love. Sanat...
by Elizabeth Farrington
…when individuals – and hence communities – are choosing what they are passionate about in terms of pursuing how they contribute, then you have healthy communities… then you have Cities of Light… then you have Global Peace. Archangel Gabrielle
by Elizabeth Farrington
I am with you every step of the way. I am walking with you, I am sitting with you, I am laughing with you, and I am creating with you. So, if you need a little hand, turn to me because I love you. I love you. Yeshua
by Elizabeth Farrington
… so many things are being restored to the planet, and that too is part of the complex plan. You know, it isn’t just about the ascension of humans. It’s curious, isn’t it, to have to think of humans getting to a place where they won’t eradicate the lions, or the...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Make no mistake about it, sweet one – the shift is well underway and there is a new realm of consciousness being anchored within the heart and mind of every being. Divine Mother