Message of The Day

The changes come from the people. Now, what does this mean? It means that you slay the serpent of illusion and that you live in accordance with the heart and mind and will of God, not of external institutions but of Love. Because in the beginning and in the end, that...

Message of The Day

When you have need to escape to the place of peace and quiet, the corridors of your heart and mind, call on me for I will restore you instantly. That is my gift to you. It is the gift of peace and solitude in the middle of the crowd. St. Catherine

Message of The Day

…there is no separation between the kingdoms, between the devas, the fairies, the spirits, the rocks, the mountains, the dogs, the giraffes, the whales, and each other as hybrids, and humans, and everything in-between. Because what are you? You are the pink...