by Elizabeth Farrington
Many of you have been experiencing the intensity – and you have been talking about this – the intensity of the energy at the moment. It is not just the Mother’s renewed Tsunami of Love. It is not just the energies of the Equinox. It is the energies of Ascension. And...
by Elizabeth Farrington
“You do not always need to know what lies ahead, because sometimes it will impede you. . So I ask you not always to be looking ahead, seeking, but to be in your knowing, deeply content and satisfied that you are the perfection”. Archangel Jophiel
by Elizabeth Farrington
So, I give you my emerald elixir and I fill you. And I give you my golden cup that you may sip this elixir from it whenever you feel the need for love, the need for healing, the need for fortification. Archangel Raphael
by Elizabeth Farrington
Wisdom is a walk of valor and my friends, at times you will feel that it is a lonely walk and that is why I offer you my company so that you know that you are not alone. The Buddha
by Elizabeth Farrington
. Be grateful for you, for each other as we are grateful to you. You are not just appreciated, you are adored, you are honored, you are ours as we are yours. Jesus Sananda