by Elizabeth Farrington
Go to the lonely places, the quiet places, and let your soul soar, let it soar to the sky and rest on the grass, let it be filled with amazement when you see the tiniest bird fly. St. Catherine
by Elizabeth Farrington
……many of you have felt enslaved in this lifetime. You have felt enslaved by roles and responsibilities, and by false ideas of who you are. You believe that you are held in constriction, and you are not. You are absolutely free to follow your mission and...
by Elizabeth Farrington
I will suggest where we will go, and I will ask for your suggestions, and I will go wherever you want, or nowhere! Because it isn’t about being busy; it is about being still, because it is in the stillness that creation and inspiration come forth. Archangel...
by Elizabeth Farrington
This is not only a time of rebirth, of reconstitution, it is also a time of revelation – revelation of the nature of Gaia, of Earth as an intergalactic waystation, an angelic waystation, a planetary earthkeeper waystation. Beautiful in all its diversity!...
by Elizabeth Farrington
We often say you are the brave ones; you are the ones, you are the Mother’s boots on the ground, and that is completely true. But do not think for one instant that we are not ever-present, that there are beings beyond number in those wings helping you.… you are the...