by Elizabeth Farrington
The alignment, the biggest shift in what you think of as science and quantum physics in particular is the embrace of the unknowable, and the pairing of that with the heart and love, because these are indivisible. Albert Einstein
by Elizabeth Farrington
The Cities of Light, my beloveds, are beacons of hope that shine brightly across the planet. And yes, that is why they are growing, and yes, that is why they expand within and without, so that people can find them, that they [can] migrate to. It is not an exclusive...
by Elizabeth Farrington
…first and foremost is the joy factor. Does it make your heart sing? Does the mere thought of it delight you, ignite you, propel you forward with a sense of excitement, potential possibility, and yes, payoff? Archangel Gabrielle
by Elizabeth Farrington
Now is the time of transition, of healing, of new beginning… not only because you, and I, and we have yearned for it, but because the Mother declares it in her infinite wisdom. It is simply time. Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
So, I am beckoning you… my clarion call to action is for you to say yes to joy. And if it is not joyous, if it can not be done with a joy-filled heart, then turn away because it is not of love. And the entire foundation of what we are doing, sweet angels, is the...