by Elizabeth Farrington
There is no room in love for lies; there is no room for distortion; there is no room for separation; there is no room for hatred; there is no room for greed; there is only room for sweet kindness. Archangel Gabrielle
by Elizabeth Farrington
Sometimes I wish to walk with you to say thank you. To express my gratitude. Not merely to your sweet heart, but to you the enlightened, ascended, struggling personality and being that you are. And when I say thank you this day, I am saying thank you, I am expressing...
by Elizabeth Farrington
You know, there’s a lot of talk on your planet, on Earth, about freedom and what freedom means, and that is certainly something… well, in fact, it isn’t a discussion amongst us because it’s a given… but it’s so curious that Gaians, humans, have this freedom, complete,...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Peace comes from the alignment, yes, with truth – but the ultimate Truth, not truth as in a belief system – and that truth and the only truth is love. Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
Yes, you feel the whispers, the strands, the echoes of the old third dimension calling out to you, attempting to ensnare you, to keep you bound and gagged. You will not have it! And let me be very clear, beloved one, neither will we. Metatron