by Elizabeth Farrington
You are not the voices crying in the wilderness, you are the voices of sanity, and that is why I speak to you because you know the importance of the fabrication of all existence is Love. Albert Einstein
by Elizabeth Farrington
You are not some misguided, distracted, lost lamb… you are the Mother’s ground crew. The extraordinary nature of that honor is not always known, or accepted, or realized, and so I bring this to your attention yet again. Archangel Jophiel
by Elizabeth Farrington
Your only responsibility is to be the vehicle of Love and the Servant of the Mother, period. How you do that is unique to you. But that is your sole responsibility: To be Love. Serapis Bey
by Elizabeth Farrington
I not only ignite your compassion, I give you again my gift of Compassion because for you, yes you who walk in this chaotic upheaval of shift and ascension, you are more than deserving, not only of compassion but practical, hearty support. The Buddha
by Elizabeth Farrington
The gift of being the grandmother not only is that you get to witness this new generation, this new world, but that you get to teach, you get to nurture, you get to oversee. You become the safe place. You become the repository for wisdom and love and safety and...