by Elizabeth Farrington
I come this day, my beloved friends, to give you my scepter, my flame of truth. It lights your way, declares your divine authority, and it is a symbol of your sovereignty… El Morya
by Elizabeth Farrington
And so, if you are not being disciplined with your sacred self, and I do mean routine, I do mean gentle kindness, accepting, inhabiting, polishing, the purity and the beauty of who you are, then I ask you, sweet ones, you who speak of ascension daily, what are you...
by Elizabeth Farrington
This physicality that you have assumed in form is a very curious form, and it is quite petite compared to my planetary form, is it not! But never mind because each of you are powerhouses, each of you are generators, each of you are transmitters, each of you are...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Oh yes sweet ones, your heart, your essence contains beautiful sound, magnificent light… and what is that except love? What is peace except love? Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
This is a planet of peace and that is what is being birthed and that is what you are creating, yes, in tandem – yes, with me – but also with the galaxy, the universe, the multiverse, the omniverse. There is no separation! Gaia