by Elizabeth Farrington
You’ve come to this planet as the implementers of the Mother’s Plan. Now we are part of that implementation team, but in a very different way, because this ascension is in physicality. This ascension is remaining on Earth and creating and anchoring Nova Earth. Serapis...
by Elizabeth Farrington
The humans are being asked again and again to be still and decide what is precious, what is of value, what is worth the toil, and some have decided very quickly and clearly, and some are slower. That is why we use the analogy of the tide coming in and receding. It is...
by Elizabeth Farrington
You have come to this planet, this planet of such extreme beauty, you have come as sister and brother to Gaia, to assist her as she daily, moment to moment, assists you in the blossoming, the anchoring, the expansion of who you truly are… brilliant angels, brilliant...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Now I say to you, “Claim, surrender to the truth of who you are. Anchor your balance, and then let us create together, with the Mother, with Her tutelage. Let us look at what lies ahead in this intergalactic/galactic portal called Terra Gaia. The future awaits you, oh...
by Elizabeth Farrington
What I am asking is for the re-introduction, the re-integration of original human, of the Creator Race, of you as angel in form, to join in the peace and harmony with us. Gaia