Message of The Day

An aspect of compassion is the deep profound honoring of another’s journey, of the path that they choose, of the incredible qualities unique to that person that they bring forth, whether they are earth-keeper, or gatekeeper, angelic, star-being… it matters not… you...

Message of The Day

Now you remember full well how Archangel Mi-ka-el has said to you that some of you are portals and that some of you are gatekeepers, some of you are wayshowers. I’m bringing this back to your attention so that you realize again how important it is that each of you...

Message of The Day

The addiction to poor behavior upon this planet, that is usually masked by massive egos, is not truly because people feel superior. It is because in fact they feel inferior; they feel lacking in self-worth and self-love, and therefore are incapable of loving anybody...

Message of The Day

Your future is filled with laughter, camaraderie, joy, friendship, unity….You can expect overpopulated cities to shift into Gardens of Eden, a shift in your political system, your economic system, your social system…and so much more… Archangel Uriel

Message of The Day

This is a planet of peace and that is what is being birthed and that is what you are creating, yes, in tandem – yes, with me – but also with the galaxy, the universe, the multiverse, the omniverse. There is no separation! GAIA