Message of The Day

The Mother’s/Father’s Gift of Animals …they carry the love, they carry the balance, and they teach how to live in harmony with oneself, with one’s companions… But it is especially true of the animals that accompany upon the journey of life, because what...

Message of The Day

It is time to dream. I invite you to come and dream the silver dreams, to braid and weave the threads of silver with your halion and blue, your coral and gold, your magenta and red. Not a one of you is a replica and you are magnificent! Archangel Uriel

Message of The Day

Do not forget, time is a construct that we have created and that you have adopted for your existence in the 3rd dimension but, understand, we are not inviting you to stay there in the 3rd! Archangel Gabrielle

Message of The Day

This is a spiritual journey. You have access to the riches of the planet equally, equal access. But it is not about a material journey, it is about a spiritual journey, it is about being an angel in form or a master in form…not ‘in the making’ any longer, but in form....

Message of The Day

You are the bringers of the new, you are the bringers of peace, you are the bringers of harmony, you are the bringers of love. You have always been this. Now you look in the mirror and you expand and you accept on the deepest level what you are truly capable of....