by Elizabeth Farrington
Universal Law did not go by the wayside. It is the new normal. It is the realm to which you ascend. It is our code of conduct. Sanat Kumara
by Elizabeth Farrington
…for what is luck, what is alchemy, what is magic, except you as your creator self stepping forward and calling forward what your heart desires? St. Patrick
by Elizabeth Farrington
Nova Earth, in the most simple explanation, is based on generosity and sharing. It is based on what feels, looks, tastes, smells like love and joy. St. Francis
by Elizabeth Farrington
Take this blaze. I don’t say use it wisely, I trust you too much. I say use it, and I will be standing next to you. Let us ignite your inner and outer Nova Gaian. St. Germain
by Elizabeth Farrington
The changes come from the people. Now, what does this mean? It means that you slay the serpent of illusion and that you live in accordance with the heart and mind and will of God, not of external institutions but of Love. Because in the beginning and in the end, that...