by Elizabeth Farrington
I give you my joy, I give you, not only the golden elixir, or my bubbles, I give you my golden heart… that we will always be united in heart and united in joy. Archangel Gabrielle
by Elizabeth Farrington
This day I bring you my Violet Blaze… it is time to light this collective on fire… on fire with inspiration, on fire with intention, intuition, and action. St. Germaine
by Elizabeth Farrington
Everything is possible! Anything is possible! When you see the lizards, you understand, particularly the chameleons. They do not stop and think and wonder about their ability to shift, to grow new tails. That knowing of potential is simply part of who they are. So...
by Elizabeth Farrington
We have been, even in our understanding, enormously patient with the human race, for we do not interfere or override free will, free choice. But there are situations, bright one, that can very strongly, as you well know, influence or shine a light into how free...
by Elizabeth Farrington
I come this day, my beloved friends, to give you my scepter, my flame of truth. It lights your way, declares your divine authority, and it is a symbol of your sovereignty… El Morya