Message of The Day

Let us look at what lies ahead in this intergalactic/galactic portal called Terra Gaia. The future awaits you, oh yes, but let me tell you my beloved friends, the future is now. Archangel Jophiel

Message of The Day

Do not ignore the power of will. It is that sense of declaration, not merely fortitude or determination but of declaration of your sacred divine ability to proceed… and might I add, to proceed in joy, in laughter, in sweetness, in kindness. Yes, even with Gabrielle’s...

Message of The Day

My teaching is simple, and that is to trust, and in the trust, to find the wholeness of service. It is not sufficient to walk the planet and be whole and even believe you are whole, unless you extend a hand to another, unless you extend your heart to another. Sai...

Message of The Day

You know there has been upon your planet many theories – and somewhat delightfully imaginative – of how the shifts, the ascension, the anchoring of Nova Earth will look. And very often, it has been the belief system that there would be a spin-off planet or an...

Message of The Day

I am awakening this fierce, ferocious, outrageous courage of hope and trust and action within you and within all this day.  It is time. Archangel Michael