by Elizabeth Farrington
This physicality that you have assumed in form is a very curious form, and it is quite petite compared to my planetary form, is it not! But never mind because each of you are powerhouses, each of you are generators, each of you are transmitters, each of you are...
by Elizabeth Farrington
So I invite you, beloveds, to come celebrate with me! Let us dance across the sky together as One for we are but one family. Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
“Take heart, bring heart, bring trust, bring hope, bring love,” for that is the energy and the solution to everything… Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
Come with me and travel on the waves and sail beyond the horizon where your ‘new’ lies… The Magdalena
by Elizabeth Farrington
You are the pattern-makers for humanity and as per your request to come forth within this grander plan we await you. But please hurry – do not be hasty, needy or fearful. Be timely, thoughtful, considerate; but also diligent, purposeful and fully present.”...