It is a time of healing, and yes, it is a time of revelation, it is a time of unfoldment. It is a time that has been awaited for thousands and thousands of years. Archangel RaphaelMESSAGE OF THE DAY
You are the vanguard, you are the Mother’s Agents and Angels of Change, and as always She has selected wisely – and you have been recruited and volunteered wisely – and we are with you. Sanat KumaraMESSAGE OF THE DAY
This is not only a time of rebirth, of reconstitution, it is also a time of revelation – revelation of the nature of Gaia, of Earth as an intergalactic waystation, an angelic waystation, a planetary earthkeeper waystation. Beautiful in all its diversity!...MESSAGE OF THE DAY
And there are a couple of things I wish to reiterate about this shift. You may think of it as a shift in dimensions, a shift in consciousness, a shift in DNA, in physicality, and certainly of Gaia, but it is truly a shift of the heart. MaitreyaSubscribe to our weekly emails
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