by Dottie Chandler
… the anchoring of all these changes is much sooner than later. So do not… do not lose heart. Do not doubt. You know what you know. Do not waver! Yeshua
by Dottie Chandler
That is what healing and grid work is about; it is making sure the current of love is flowing in its golden radiance everywhere, freely and openly. Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
… people are connecting and seeing, in very real, heartfelt, unitive consciousness ways, the value, the recognition of each other. … the growing recognition of family as fellow journeyers on Gaia, yearning for the same things: to be treated fairly and...
by Dottie Chandler
There is a pot of gold and it is the wellspring of your heart! Go with my love, go with my happiness, not merely joy but the fulfillment of your dreams. St. Patrick
by Dottie Chandler
… it is the trust beyond any proof; that is what trust is about. It is faith and trust and hope, and there is no life without hope. It is allowing yourself to be vulnerable and allowing yourself to be taken care of and knowing that you will be taken care of...