Message of the Day

I am renewing my request to use my Violet Flame and to write ‘love’ everywhere and to communicate. That writing is un-erasable, it is immutable, and it is the wave, the sound, and the energy of transformation, transmutation, and the anchoring of the I AM.    St....

Message of the Day

Come and sit with the Buddha, under the bodhi tree, and breathe. Breathe compassion. Did you know we actually take thousands of breaths a day, over 20,000. . . .   Linda Dillon

Message of the Day

I am your servant, your brother, and I am counting on you as I always have, to stand with me and by me.  Let us proceed together and let us walk in peace, joy and laughter.   Jesus

Message of the Day

I want, I choose, to see the full beauty of who you are on planet right now! And the gift to me is you seeing it …  It is time to bring the fullness of your being to the forefront – on your behalf, on behalf of your joy, on my behalf, and on behalf of All. ...