Message of the Day

Beloveds – each of you, my blessed children – have extraordinary … talents … and you are bringing these to the forefront … in the anchoring … Divine Knowing … Authority … Inheritance of who you are … have always...

Message of the Day

You will … become like my phoenix, rising from the ashes. The ashes of illusion and delusion. …  And you will rise up because you are knowing where the solutions lie. And bright angels, the solutions are you, and we are at your service.  Quan Yin

Message of the Day

I ask you to come to me and join in fortitude and courage with mercy and awe.  There are many among you who have always chosen to work with the downtrodden in the places of chaos.  It is your chosen passage to touch the hearts of many throughout the entire universe...

Message of the Day

If nothing else, the example of my life long ago has taught you that no one dies, no one disappears, and existence is infinite, expanding and eternal.  Jesus