by Dottie Chandler
… “ascension” … is about accessing and anchoring your interdimensional self. It is about traversing among and between the dimensions. I will be there waiting for you. Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
… beloveds, let us begin with Peace right now. … to dissolve the collective pain, this burden that humanity has carried for so long. … You do not need to carry it. That is why you have begun giving it away, and we are thrilled, glad, overjoyed,...
by Dottie Chandler
Love is … the energy of the One: the movement of the Mother through you, and the stillness of the Father to anchor you. It is … the state of divine union and being in that place of home. This energy descends into you. You have been penetrated more than...
by Dottie Chandler
When you think of the future and what you wish to create, what you know your soul design demands, then you bring it, you embrace it, and you bring it into the present. Archangel Uriel
by Dottie Chandler
Many galaxies watch this unfolding and have come to participate in this time and event. You have need to prepare yourself for this visitation, the same way you would prepare yourself for a visit from friends. The opening of Earth has impact far beyond what you...