Message of the Day

You are the strongest, the most courageous, and you are completely embracing and stepping into that alignment. Each of you, in your own way, has said you will do this no matter what.      El Morya

The humans, this beautiful collective of angels in form, are realising that they are not alone, that they do not ‘reign over’ anything, and that they are and have been intended to be in harmony with all that is sacred, all that has been created upon this Earth, and...

Message of the Day

Welcome me as your brother into your hearts and homes, into your families and community, for it is where I belong;  … look for me everywhere for I am with you.    Jesus

Message of the Day

… she {Earth} has catapulted herself to the end of possible experience within your grid.  She seeks entry to a new octave, a completely different realm of existence.   Jesus