by Dottie Chandler
The tide has turned, so this is part and parcel of what we ask you to do…this undertaking in your transition work. Often you are saying, “Lord, what can we do?” Write LOVE, write it everywhere, and write it, sweet one, on each other’s hearts as I write it upon you...
by Dottie Chandler
You need to experience the wholeness of your own potential. Know this. It is the time of the transformation and the return of many to this dimension and planet. I suggest you stay and enjoy the party. Sanat Kumara
by Dottie Chandler
The Law of Instantaneous Transmission is the Law that is enforced when old paradigms are shifted throughout the universe. … On an individual level, it relates to transformation and activation of the ever presence of what is within you, including your thirteen...
by Dottie Chandler
… your body is adjusting to hold this vibrationof light, of Nova Being. … Go with the flow and allow your body to adjust. Welcome these changes. Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
I … wish to speak to you of Nova Earth … the Cities of Light. … the planet of flowers … What do the flowers teach you? Gentleness, to tread softly, they imbue you … with beauty … The fragrance of the flowers heals; their vibration...