by Dottie Chandler
Let us go forward together in this creation and co-creation. … Dream your world, because it is Terra Nova; it is yours and it is mine. Then we can return and walk together, and this I look forward to. Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
Look around you. There is always something within me, and around you in the eyes and the smile of a cat, or a crow or a human being to make you smile and see the magnificence of Mother/Father/One creation. It is a gift, and you, beloved one, your sacred self, you are...
by Dottie Chandler
Love yourself as I love you. Let me walk with you. Let me show you who you really are, my beloved friends, my circle. Let us throw off these shackles together and proceed with the Mother’s Dream. It is a new game and it has already started. Jesus...
by Dottie Chandler
Why do you think your wing-maker self, all your star family is so ever fully present at this time? They are waiting, literally, in the wings, and they are anxious and excited. St. Germaine
by Dottie Chandler
… what our purpose is, has been incredibly expanded…this pertains to us personally, collectively, and throughout the omniverse. Is the focus of the memory the personal expansion? Yes! Is it to assist in the global awakening? Yes! And from there, out into the...