Message of the Day

Think of mercy in this way: it is compassion + forgiveness + love.  … It encompasses all of these feelings.  It encompasses and embraces everyone involved.   Jesus

Message of the Day

So follow Michael’s dictum and lay down your arms, open your heart, open your throat, open your third, fourth and fifth eyes, and allow your strength, your purpose, which is our purpose, to shine through. Divine Mother

Message of the Day

You deserve to thrive. You deserve to live according to Universal Law. You deserve to see the fruits of your labour. You deserve to live on Nova Earth. You deserve to wander the Cities of Light. You deserve to understand that you are One with the plants and animals,...

Message of the Day

So not only do I give you my White Golden Joy this day, I am embedding it, I am igniting it with my White Flame of Illumination. But you, beloveds, I ask you, I request of you that you tend this flame by making a practice of joy.    Serapis Bey