by Dottie Chandler
When you work with the Law of Attraction you are calling from the core of your heart, the foundation and every part of your being and magnetizing towards you that which you desire to experience. Sanat Kumara
by Dottie Chandler
Focus within your heart, for this is where we live with you. Focus upon that which you most dearly desire, a single thing, and we will magnify it together. Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
You are on the cusp of bringing into the form that you think of as the material realm and what we think of as the material realm throughout your twelve dimensions, the reality of what joy looks like, what love looks like, what peace looks like. Archangel...
by Dottie Chandler
It is self-love that is so important. It is love without any conditions. This is the love that we surround you with. … no matter who you are, no matter what you think, no matter what you said, no matter what you’ve done… You are our precious children. .. loved...
by Dottie Chandler
Yes, be the participant-observer. Be the observer that participates by sending the joy, whether it is streamers of joy, flecks of joy, effervescent joy, bubbles of joy, rain of gold. I have given you many, many gifts pertaining to joy and this day I reignite them all!...