Message of the Day
Our star brothers and sisters are with us. And you need to know they are also with you. … For these are the beings that come in peace to assist. These are the ones that have wandered the Universe looking for the place of peace, for the home of love. Even in the...Message of the Day
Begin with me today; take your heart’s desire, bring it to your stillpoint, hold it in the sacred space … and let us spin it out to the entire universe. Let us demonstrate together the wonder of who you are. … Your magnificence and humility are known...Message of the Day
” … your mission and purpose is not just to find that place of love and harmony with your family; it is to find it within yourself … to take that out .. and share it with people. Those people may begin as strangers but will become your friends, your...Message of the Day
When you work with the Law of Attraction you are calling from the core of your heart, the foundation and every part of your being and magnetizing towards you that which you desire to experience. Sanat KumaraSubscribe to our weekly emails
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