by Dottie Chandler
I have held deep abiding Love for this planet of Gaia … for humanity; and a special place in my heart … for the legions of torchbearers … that show the way to … this transformation of consciousness … you refer to it as “heart...
by Dottie Chandler
Begin with me today; take your heart’s desire, bring it to your stillpoint, hold it in the sacred space … let us spin it out to the entire universe. … Your magnificence and humility are known far and wide. Universal Mother Mary
by Dottie Chandler
… your energy underneath the surface is very powerful and it is grabbing, quite literally, those that you engage with … it is entraining them to the Mother’s energy of nurturing, of caring, of non-judgment, of discernment, of compassion, and a willingness...
by Dottie Chandler
So what we would say is that the learning cycle is at a place, is already happening, where the club {human club} is being broken up and the shutters are being taken off the windows – and in fact, the windows are being thrown wide open to allow the fresh breeze of new...
by Dottie Chandler
“It doesn’t matter whether you focus on healing the leg, the eyes, or the healing of the universe. All is heart healing, and that is all that is required. … By allowing the love within you … part of you, to be communicated to that cell.”...