by Dottie Chandler
It {balance} is the sacred honoring of yourself, in balance with the universe. … I come to bring you well-wishes and congratulations for you have anchored elsewhere, and it is with us. And so, yes, you will see and hear us more clearly … you will find us standing in...
by Dottie Chandler
What it really does {the Violet Flame} is allow the new, allow the love, the true I AM Presence to emerge. And that is what I am doing with each and every one of you. I am so excited. St. Germaine
by Dottie Chandler
So, go down to that emerald platform, to that emerald foundation and feel your own beautiful Pink Diamond Flame surrounded and being swirled with the Mother’s Blue Diamond and the Father’s Gold Diamond. Now staying in your heart, let’s open up and balance all our...
by Dottie Chandler
… let us together this day claim your right – your divine right, your historical right, your birthright – to be in the fullness of your ascended self. My gift to you for Christmas, for Hanukkah, for Wednesday, for Tuesday, for every single day, is not only the gift of...
by Dottie Chandler
Look over your shoulder, and see me. See my beloved Magdalena … our circle … the disciples, the apostles and centuries of saints … as part of the Mother’s final wave … pushing, guiding. And then, beloved, look ahead, because I am standing directly in front of you....