by Dottie Chandler
All is heart healing … that is all that is required. … by allowing the love within you … to be communicated … You have the gift … and understanding to heal hearts. I will walk with you to do this … Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
The qualities of growth that occur as part of the shifting in and through the fifth dimension are patience, stamina, humor, and wisdom that the more things change the more they are constant. Love and joy are constants. Albert Einstein
by Dottie Chandler
I remind you that you are the champions of the world. These lyrics speak to your heart … to your potential. … I birthed those that have my infinite capacity, not merely to create but to co-create with the kingdoms, with Gaia, with your galaxy, with your star family...
by Dottie Chandler
So there is this sense of push and pull, of letting go of the old and at the same time pushing down the birthing chamber into the new, of wanting it, excited, yearning. So it is that moment between goodbye and hello. Archangel Uriel
by Dottie Chandler
… picture yourself on a perfect summer day when that golden sun is shining … a platinum medallion hung in the sky just for you. And you’re out in nature … to simply be … lie back on your sweet little blanket, or against the rock … you’re deep in your heart...