Message of the Day

When you are going to the place of stillpoint … to the full place of hope, you are allowing the changes to take place.  … allowing the fullness not only of our being, but of your being to come to the forefront …  Universal Mother Mary

Message of the Day

… any water is healing water.  When you say a prayer to the Mother and ask her to bless your water, to turn it into sacred healing waters, that request … is always heard … as you sip that water I will be there with  you.  St. Bernadette

Message of the Day

Galaxies are born every day so do you not think you can create a little something for yourself?  …  That is why we encourage you so strongly to dream, to think of what you wish.  Sanat Kumara

Message of the Day

Sacred union is you embracing you in the knowing of your beauty, your might, you power, and your indelible sweetness.  It is you loving you …  Jesus

Message of the Day

… when you are embodying and anchoring love … you are in your place of balance … found in … the lower quadrant of your heart. … you have felt the pressure of late of your heart as it expands.  It is pressing outward because it wants to encompass your entire being.  ...