Message of the Day

” … what you are realizing … in order to accomplish what you truly desire … that less is required, less movement, less activity, more simply being … In that serenity you are allowing yourself to anchor and expand.”  Mother...

Message of the Day

” … if you feel that you are stuck, or that you are tempted to be stuck … turn to me, I will help you rebalance, I will heal that broken dream, I will heal your broken heart and whatever else ails you for I am with you.  I may be quiet but I am not...

Message of the Day

” … as your beloved Planetary Logos, as your brother, as your friend, and as the Keeper of the Laws, I have asked to visit yet again. And that is why I have also begun by saying, let me put it very simply, ‘Love is winning’ … ”...

Message of the Day

“As you re-anchor this purity of love {from the 13th octave} … your expanded self anchors back through the energy fields of the dimensions … into the hearts of humans, animals, flowers … to brush them with the gentle knowing of love, to spark...

Message of the Day

” … heart opening, that implosion-explosion, takes place in the heart centre.  … there is an implosion in fact breaking loose the spaciousness, the energy of your divinity. … a grand expanse suddenly discovered … there is an explosion...