by Dottie Chandler
… during that hiatus, on sweet Saturday as you think of it, I simply became once again, one with Love. … I re-entered the Love … the essence, the All of Mother/Father/One. … If you truly want to be reunited, to be the Love, take my hand...
by Dottie Chandler
Where there has been injury, embrace forgiveness: forgiveness of the injurer and forgiveness of your sweet self. Forgive that there has been hurt, pain, hostility …In the forgiveness is the letting go. Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
So be very careful, my brother, [brothers and sisters] to make sure that the doorway to inclusiveness is kept open. Yes, poor behavior … must come to an end. … but there has need to be individually, collectively, globally, and certainly universally,...
by Dottie Chandler
When you … express your gratitude … whether it is for a particular cloud or mountain or stream or blade of grass… it is a gift. … It is a conjoining, it is a sublime union, it is a form of sacred union … it is recognition … for every...
by Dottie Chandler
… when you are sending the love – and it continues, sweet one, in waves all over Gaia – what you are doing is you are in fact shifting their energy {challenging personalities} in ways that a million conversations would not accomplish. Universal Mother...