Message of the Day

… what we are doing in this very moment, first and foremost …  supporting Gaia in her ascendancy and full anchoring in the 7th and that includes …  each of you my beloved friends and family.  … Yes, we send you energy every day and it is still the gentle pink, to ease...

Message of the Day

When you intend, attend, command or demand, you are bringing every particle of your essence; body mind, spirit, every level of your soul design to that place … magnetizing with your heart at warp speed, supergluing yourself to that intention.  Archangel...

Message of the Day

When you shift interdimensionally, you are moving to a space that has always been there. Think of it this way: There is a room in your attic that has been locked for eternity … all the treasures and junk … It has been renovated, cleared, aired out, redecorated …...

Message of the Day

Nova Earth, in the most simple explanation, is based on generosity and sharing. It is based on what feels, looks, tastes, smells like love and joy.  St. Francis

Message of the Day

… there are those {recalcitrant} that – in the bright light being shone either on the individual or the situation or the behavior …  are truly before your eyes transforming. And this is what we are asking you – and all of you, by the way – to truly pay attention to. …...